How adorable is this twelve-week-old's face? I just want to give this hairy guy a hug — or I would if his mouthiness was under control because I don't want those little teeth anywhere near my hair, or my glasses, or my earrings, or my lip...
Rascal's at that age where a bit of biting is not only normal but also necessary; he's literally getting a taste of this crazy world. That said, Rascal's family wants to keep their house intact and as free of tooth-marks as possible.
As strange as it sounds, our advice was to first watch what Rascal was going after. Was he interested in gnawing the leg of a wooden coffee table? Was he headed towards the soft corner of the sofa?
After Rascal's family figured out what their pup was in the mood to chomp, we suggested refocusing his attention on a toy with the same "feeling." By getting Rascal to chew on a tough bully stick, for example, the coffee table was spared any more damage. A soft plushie to nibble saved the sofa.
By having a wide variety of toys, Rascal's family will have a range of tools at their disposal — not to mention undamaged furniture. And after he's gotten past the mouthy phase, I'll be first in line for that hug.
Check out the sidebar for our Zen Dog Shopping List of our favorite products, including bully sticks and other toys.
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